This option lives under profile editing inside the tips section. Previously, most users were only having BTC tips being available and more tip options we rolled out recently. This feature should be already available on the Alpha build at least.
How to enable Etherium tips on Twitter for Android:
- Tap on the Edit Profile button.
- Tap on Tips.
- Tap on the Etherium Address.
- Insert your ETH address into the input field and tap on the Save button.
For BTC tips, tapping on the Bitcoin tips option on someone's profile will copy the address to the clipboard. With ETH address it is supposed to work in the same way but this option seems to be yet unstable. In our case, you can always just use TestingCatalog.eth
Tester Context:
- 📲 Twitter is a popular social network built around short text messages.
- 📲 Twitter is also available in Beta and you can opt-in as a tester via Google Play.
- 📲 Twitter is also available in Alpha and you can opt-in by joining its Experiments Google Group
- 📲 Follow @TestingCatalog on Twitter for the most recent updates.
Twitter - Apps on Google Play
Now with Twitter spaces: Join, listen, and speak in live audio conversations
h/t @nima_owji