It isn't a long time before another Telegram update comes out, yet today we are here with a new build. Version 5.7.0 is available with a generous number of upgrades upon the previous release but still deemed enough for us to do a report about it. So, here we go.
New theme switcher
First things first, this update adds two new themes to the app and more redesigns to the majority of the pop-up dialogs, whilst bringing a separate page for managing all themes and creating custom ones. The Arctic Blue theme, as the name suggests, combines white with blue, while the second theme, named Graphite, boasts a lighter variant of gray as the preferred main background color.
More granular privacy management
Telegram 5.7 allows its users to do thorough adjustments to their privacy preferences, giving a gives a certain level of flexibility and control over personal information sharing. These include options for hiding user's phone number, managing permissions for messaging and calling, etc. You can find all of them in the Privacy and Security page in the settings.
Seamless weblogging with bots (channel comments)
Logging in to other web services with your Telegram account is going to be instant, thanks to the newly added @discussbot. It provides many opportunities, such as the rumored channel replies function otherwise labeled as comments, and you can begin testing them immediately.
Other good news is that anyone can create such bots for connecting existing services to Telegram on the fly.
Discussion groups for channels
With this update, channel admins can assign groups to their channels. After doing so, subscribers will see a 'Discuss' link in the bottom panel of a selected group chat for discussions, and every new post from the connected channel will automatically get forwarded and pinned in the corresponding group.
Public channel viewing
From now on, anyone can view public channels on the web by hitting the 'Preview channel' button.
Scam alerts
If suspicious accounts get detected, Telegram will display a scam label next to their names.
Animated stickers
Before wrapping up, shared in a post by Telegram Info, appears that Telegram is working on a new .tgs format for animated stickers. You can make your own ones by archiving JSON sticker files of your choice as gzip, and then changing the extension of the archive to .tgs.
The popular messaging service is going head-on about providing its user with better and more flexible privacy settings as well as simplifying the connection between channels and groups in this release. Moreover, new themes, UI refinements are in place too.
We have a guide explaining how to become a Telegram beta tester, so be sure to check it out if you haven't already.
Via: Telegram Blog