With Telegram's festive update, channel owners and story enthusiasts are in for quite a treat. The popular messaging app has introduced a slew of enhancements that are set to redefine the user experience. From the visually appealing channel customization options that come with leveling up via boosts, to effortlessly sharing content between channels and stories, and an innovative tool that allows users to craft eye-catching stories with photo cutouts – Telegram is showcasing its commitment to not just functionality, but also to user creativity and engagement.
How to Access and Use the New Telegram Features
- Channel Customization: To tailor your channel's look, you must first receive a boost from your subscribers. Once boosted, you can add a personal touch with custom wallpapers, emoji status, and a unique profile logo.

- Reposting to Stories: Simply select a message you wish to share from any channel and use the 'Share to Story' option. This functionality seamlessly integrates the channels with your personal or public stories.

- Creating Photo Cutouts for Stories: Choose an image from your gallery, use the background removal tool to create a cutout, and then place it over your story to give it a standout visual element.
Who Benefits from These Updates?
For channel owners looking to distinguish their brand and engage subscribers, the customization feature is a refreshing addition. Storytellers on Telegram, meanwhile, can benefit greatly from reposting channel messages directly to stories and enhancing their creations with photo cutouts.
About Telegram
Telegram stands as a cloud-based instant messaging system that champions speed and security. With a strong focus on privacy, Telegram offers end-to-end encrypted calls and optional secret chats. The platform continues to introduce user-centric features that make communication not just safe but also enjoyable and engaging, catering to a growing base of users who value flexibility and creative expression.

Source and Further Reading
The latest Telegram features were announced on their official blog. To learn more about these updates and how they can enhance your Telegram experience, follow the provided source.