In a subtle yet significant update, Telegram has rolled out new features to enhance user experience in its messaging platform. Notably, this update was not accompanied by an official announcement; instead, it was spotlighted through stories on Telegram's channel.
What's new?
- One-time viewable audio and video messages in private chats.
- Pause-and-resume feature for audio and video recording.
- A list of source channels in the Saved Messages section.
A key highlight of this update is the introduction of one-time viewable audio and video messages. This functionality, aimed at bolstering privacy, allows users to send media messages that can be viewed only once before they are automatically deleted. It's important to note that this feature is restricted to private chats and does not apply to channel communications. Adding to the user convenience, these one-time messages come with a pause-and-resume option for recording, enabling users to record a part of the message, pause it, and later resume the recording as needed.
Another significant addition is the new Channels tab in the Saved Messages section. Building on previous improvements, this feature ensures that any message saved from a particular channel will now provide a direct link back to the source channel. Moreover, users can access a new tab listing all channels from which they have saved messages, allowing for easy navigation and review of these messages within the respective channels.
Interestingly, a peek into the source code for Telegram's iOS client revealed that developers might be working on a feature that restricts contact possibilities exclusively to premium users. However, this feature is currently under development, and its release date or eventual implementation remains uncertain.
This minor update from Telegram underscores the platform's continuous efforts to enhance user privacy and improve the overall messaging experience, even as it explores new potential features for its diverse user base.
About Telegram
Telegram is an encrypted instant messaging and voice-over IP service with a focus on speed and security, which makes it an attractive platform for tech enthusiasts and professionals. With its user-friendly interface, robust security features like end-to-end encryption, and an open API for developers, Telegram is more than just a messaging app—it's a powerful communication tool for those who require efficiency and confidentiality in their day-to-day exchanges.