Telegram beta 9.6.0 for Android is out. Here is what you will be able to do with your Telegram app very soon 👀
- Send scheduled private messages when someone becomes online. This option is not new but it got moved from the Scheduling submenu.
- Modify some of the bot settings w/o interacting with botfather
- See folders on the forwarding screen
- Change private wallpapers to custom color backgrounds
- Prevent others from adding you to a group or channel - finally, you can stop being added to random crypto pump groups 🔥
- And more minor changes to explore around "media viewer" and "instant views".
If you don't have Telegram beta yet, you can check how to get it on our Telegram Beta guide 👇
How to prevent being added to annoying spam groups for crypto pumps and similar on Telegram:
- Open the Telegram Settings tab.
- Open the "Privacy & Security" section.
- Open the "Groups & Channels" setting
- Select the "Nobody" option.
There you can also configure it to be more granular, allow-listing your friends or family.