Phantom wallet beta released multi-chain capabilities on Android to more users

· 2 min read
Phantom beta multi-chain wallet onboarding screens on Android
Phantom beta multi-chain wallet onboarding screens on Android

Phantom Wallet has recently released its beta version with multi-chain wallet capabilities, allowing Android users to access and manage tokens and NFTs from Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana ecosystems without switching wallets. The update aims to compete with the popular MetaMask wallet.

How to Access and Use the Feature:

  1. Download the Phantom Wallet Beta app from Google Play.
  2. Open the app and go through the 3-step splash screen.
  3. After completing the splash screen, you will automatically have a multi-chain wallet.
  4. Connect to dApps automatically, and the wallet will switch networks for you.

The multi-chain feature is still in beta, and users can provide feedback through the app menu. Despite the announcement on May 1, the feature is being rolled out gradually and might be not available on the Chrome extension yet.

Benefits of the New Feature

This feature is beneficial for users who manage multiple tokens and NFTs from different ecosystems. It allows them to access and manage their assets in one place, making it easier and more convenient. Phantom Wallet also offers advanced security features and an intuitive interface for understanding transactions. However, it's important to note that the wallet creates new ETH addresses for existing Solana wallets, and it might not be ideal for users who prefer to attach their existing ETH wallet to see all NFTs in one place.

Phantom beta multi-chain wallet UI on Android
Phantom beta multi-chain wallet UI on Android

Context About Phantom Wallet

Phantom Wallet is a versatile wallet solution designed to work with various blockchain networks. Initially focused on the Solana ecosystem, it has now expanded its capabilities to include Ethereum and Polygon, providing a user-friendly interface and advanced security features to protect users from scams and simplify transactions.

Phantom - Apps on Google Play
A crypto wallet reimagined for DeFi & NFTs

Source of the News: The news was officially announced on the Phantom Wallet blog. You can also download the app from Google Play or get the Chrome extension for your browser.