In March 2024, Telegram will begin providing financial incentives to channel owners for advertisements displayed on their channels. These rewards will be given in Toncoin (TON), amounting to half of the ad revenue produced. This plan employs the TON blockchain for all transactions, initially developed by Telegram but now managed by autonomous developers. With an aim to expand globally, the ad platform will increase its presence in nearly a hundred new countries. This global outreach aligns with a surge in Toncoin's value after the announcement. Telegram's latest scheme seeks to create a beneficial cycle of investment and expansion for content creators by introducing a distinctive revenue-sharing model, akin to those on platforms like YouTube and X (formerly Twitter).
To be part of this scheme, channel owners are required to show advertisements processed through the TON blockchain and in return, will receive Toncoin. This initiative indicates a major shift in Telegram's strategy towards generating revenue and compensating content creators, by incorporating blockchain technology into its functions.
Telegram, a popular messaging platform created by the Durov brothers, has always looked for ways to grow and diversify its offerings. The adoption of the TON blockchain and the implementation of an advertisement reward system underscore Telegram's desire to transform into a more inclusive social and economic platform. This effort also positions Telegram as a leader in integrating cryptocurrencies into large-scale digital platforms, likely affecting the landscape of the creator economy globally.
The initiation of this program represents a pivotal opportunity for digital content creators, introducing a fresh method for generating income. Through the utilization of the TON blockchain, Telegram establishes a benchmark for incorporating cryptocurrency into digital communication platforms, serving as both an example for others and a unique mechanism for creators to generate income from their content.