Telegram is a messaging app in its core, but it also packs some extra features you may haven't come across. One of them, in particular, is the music player, which can be used to play music files attached to your messages. The player can also play in an order all MP3s in a chat and has extra options like shuffle play, reverse order, and repeat. Other than that, it also allows rewinding. The playing continues in the background as in every other music player and can be controlled from the notifications panel of your Android devices. The buttons in the media notification are quite large, so I'd wish for them to be smaller. Btw, there is always the quick control panel below the action bar, which shows the currently playing track and by taping on it you can get to the queue.
You can also search and download music by using a Telegram bot. The one we can recommend is called @vkm_bot. It understands the following five commands:
/song - Enter the song name to search for music
/artist - Enter the artist name
/setlang - To change the language
/settings - To access the settings
This is it for now. We just wanted to give you guys a quick heads up about this feature of the Telegram app. For your information, the music player in Telegram X has more features, so if you choose to, you can try it instead.
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