A possibility to view who was viewing your message appeared on Telegram desktop first and now it arrived on Android as well. After tapping on your message in the group you will see a number of viewers. This widget can also be expanded so you will see exactly who was able to see it.
This feature worked well in a small group of 6 users but in a bigger group with 600 users it simply stuck on loading.
Another feature that was showing up on iOS before is related to chat themes. Now it should be possible to apply a theme preset that is specific to the chat itself. This theming option can be found in the context menu under "Change colour". However, it is not fully working yet and can be accessed in private chats. Chosen presets won't be saved either.
A call button was moved out from the context menu as well so now you can access this feature in an easier way. This change can be found in any private chat.
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