Feedly opened registration for beta testers of their integration between Feedly app and Google Assistant. According to the Feedly blog post, it will be possible to ask Google assistant to read your RSS feed for you.
This will be a dedicated Google Assistant action which you will be able to add to your assistant by yourself and try on your phone.
There are a couple of features which were mentioned in the post:
- Headlines reader - to list over available posts
- Post reader - to read the content of the post. It is not yet clear if you will be able to listen to the whole article or just to the RSS description.
- Save for later - to save the post to one of your boards to read it later in the app.
For now, you need to feel this form and wait for the invite. The number of slots for testers is limited to 50. In the form you will be asked about how often do you use Google Assistant and how often do you listen to podcasts. This also implies that you will provide your feedback after testing.
From the blog
Thanks to the Feedly action, Google Assistant can list the headlines in your feeds, read specific articles, and even save articles into boards for later access. We are looking for fifty users to test drive the beta experience and provide Nick feedback on what works and what could be improved. If you are curious about how listening to your Feedly feels, join the beta program!
I use Feedly mostly to test our RSS feed for TestingCatalog which we added recently and it is also available on Feedly.
At the same time, I became an every-day podcasts listener and I am really looking forward to a new way to read all these news articles about Android.
Source: Feedly blog